What if everyone thinks I’m a HUGE fraud?

Her blog is 5 trillion times better, why would anyone read mine?!

What if they laugh hysterically at my sales page?

What if people hate my work that much they send hate mail?!?

These thoughts creep into our minds when we’re least expecting.

What? You thought you were alone?

This is me on a good day.


Fear and doubt are always going to affect us in our life and business. Yes, even when we’re successful, even when we’re adored and even when we’re rich.

As Elizabeth Gilbert says, fear is like a necessary companion. It’s the reason you’re still alive today. Instead of trying to push it away or conquer it, it should be treated with respect and thanked that it has kept you from walking down dark alleys and swimming outside of the surf lifesaving flags.

Once we can get to a place of “making peace” with fear and invite it along on the ride with us, only then we can start to work with it in a way that’s easier for the both of you.

What To Do When You Doubt Yourself In Your Business

Don’t Give Your Doubts Fuel

How do you keep a fire burning? By adding more wood. Don’t add any more wood and it fades out. Same goes with those doubtful thoughts you love to drum around in that skull of yours. Our thoughts don’t really have any voodoo magic over us unless we’re adding a barrel of gasoline to the fire of them. Whatever you’re doubting you need to realize that it’s actually just one simple thought you keep thinking over and over again. It’s not actually real.

Interrupt the patterns

Every time a self doubting thought enters your mind, have a few go-to things you can do to interrupt the doubtful pattern right away. You could have a saved set of funny youtube videos on hold anytime a doubting situation arises. Tony Robbins says that in order to change your thinking, you’ve gotta re-associate new feelings to old habits by interfering the thought patterns. What’s one thing you could set up to do/watch/listen to the next time your doubts pop up?

Get your alter-ego on

I know you got one! She’s that sassy, sultry, fiery diva you keep locked away in your fantasies – perhaps letting her off her leash when you’ve had one too many mojitos, shhhh I won’t tell 😉 – Beyonce unleashed hers to the world and it made her famous, gave her a lot of money and she felt fully (and safely) self expressed. She described her alter-ego as “aggressive, strong and sexually confident.” It’s like playing a role of your “perfect self” or whoever you believe can get you to that point of being confident in yourself.

Worst case scenario?

Ask yourself what’s the worst that could happen if you just go through with it? If any of your answers affect your ego (i.e I’ll look stupid in front of everyone) it’s time to push that puppy outta the way and let YOU shine.

Focus on the good in your life.

Think about all the good things you’ve got going on in your life right now. And what about all of your past achievements? Who has helped and guided you along the way? Focus on the good as you take your first step into the unknown.

In 100 years who’s going to give a damn?

Seriously. Who’s gonna care?

Elise McDowell