How to Visualize for Wealth & Abundance

Bob Proctor said, “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.” And we all know that man is like a Grandfather of LOA principles!

So, let me ask you: How often do you practice visualizing the things you want?

Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Rarely ever?!

Because based on your answer I can pretty much tell where you’re at with achieving your goals and dreams.

I would know, I didn’t do visualization HALF as much as I should have been doing. And to be honest, that explains why things weren’t manifesting as fast as they could have.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of The Soul-Led Millionaire:

  • Why I amped up my manifestation practice using visualization
  • ​What visualization is and how to use it
  • How daily visualization has impacted my life​ and manifested weird shit
  • How to maximize the effectiveness out of your visualizations
  • A fun guided visualization for manifesting more wealth and abundance



Elise McDowell