By now I am CERTAIN you’ve heard of a sales funnel! No doubt you’ve probably already got one set up, or you’re just starting to create one. Good! You clearly know just how crucial they are to your business!
But if you’re one of those still sitting on the fence, here’s a little background on what my first sales funnel has done for me. I set up my free email course about creating passive income through your blog back in Feb 2016, since then I have had over 700+ people (and growing!) enter it. I haven’t tinkered with it since but I make over $1000+ dollars a month automatically from it.
I don’t know about you, but $1000+ dollars a month isn’t bad for a couple of days work! 😉
But creating the funnel and making the money is the easy part. Getting people to actually ENTER your funnel is where the work is! Because we all know you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink!
So the question remains, how do we promote our funnels and get new people into them? Well in today’s post I’m going to share with you exactly how I have gotten 700+ people into mine. Let’s go!
In June, Pinterest shot to the #1 slot as my highest traffic provider, not only to my funnel lead page, but to my blog in general. This didn’t just happen because of some viral miracle, it happened because I decided to finally take the plunge and join Boardbooster. I’m now kicking myself that I didn’t start using Boardbooster from the very beginning! As you can see, from the actual DAY that I started using Boardbooster, my traffic started increasing. And so did my funnel subscribers!
I created several different pinnable images for my funnel, and each one links back to the lead page of my funnel. And now it only continues to grow, and so do my funnel subscribers. Pro Tip: Sign up for the free trial where you get 100 free pins, this way you can see first hand what it does without worrying about the investment (no credit card needed 😄).
Related Post: How to Start Using Affiliate Links on Pinterest
Facebook Ads
Using Facebook Ads was my first strategy when I’d just launched my funnel and I gained over 100+ subscribers from this alone. I’m not a big fan of paying for subscribers when you can collect them organically, but it does speed up the process (if you happen to be in a rush or something). If you already know what you’re doing and know the exact audience you’re targeting, or more specifically, which audience will engage with your ad and where they are, then Facebook ads are a fantastic way to get people into your sales funnel.
Website Commenting
When you comment on someones blog post, instead of linking back to your homepage or blog, link back to one of your posts or a lead page that relates to the topic of the post you have just finished reading. Another tip I scored from Elna Cain at Twins Mommy was to upgrade your comments by adding your blog name next to your name in the ‘Name’ field. i.e Elise @ House of Brazen.
Just make sure that when you’re commenting it is an actual heartfelt and genuine comment. Don’t let me see you leaving comments like “Great post!xo”. I will find out and I will tell your Mother!
SumoMe has made it so incredibly easy to capture leads for my funnel. I’m sure you yourself know that by now too. And if you don’t, where have you been?!!?. After testing out the different options, I now only use The Welcome Mat and the Scroll Box to collect leads for my sales funnel as they convert the highest for me.
Facebook Groups
And of course, facebook groups are where I got (and still get) a ton of subscribers. If you’re already a member of some groups, great! You’re half way there. If not, check out the different groups available to you and your niche. Usually the group will have daily features. Some of those features will be educational, some interaction based and others solely for you to promote your work. Use these daily features as a way to connect with other like-minded people and be helpful and show off your expertise while directing the members to your sales funnel.
Related Post: 5 Facebook Groups To Help You Grow Your Blog & Business