Refunds! Oh my gosh! Don’t we all love those! What? You don’t? I wonder why…

Ok, so the first thing that I really want you to know is that it is absolutely normal to get refund requests in business and it’s actually a rite of passage. It’s showing you that your business is becoming more and more successful! Even though it doesn’t feel like it, because people want their money back.

I get a refund request in my business occasionally and it’s not that big a deal anymore. It just comes with the territory. But it isn’t about how many you get, it’s about how you handle it because you are going to have to handle it. So today I’m going to share with you my three tips on how to handle it.


So I know it’s pretty normal to start panicking and thinking “oh my gosh I am a bad entrepreneur.” “I have a crap product.” “This person doesn’t like me” “why don’t they like me?”

Please, please, please try not to do this. Don’t freak out because it doesn’t mean anything about you. They could be asking for a refund for a ton of different reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with you.

Maybe money is tight for them. Maybe they didn’t read the sales page properly and bought something that they didn’t really need. Or maybe they’re a scammer! At the end of the day, It’s important that you don’t take it personally and don’t freak out.

What you should do instead is don’t respond immediately. Take a step back and take a little bit of time to figure out what you’re going to do. Especially if you’re the type of person who takes things personally.

Really, try not to because it doesn’t have anything to do with you. And if you’re tying your self-worth up in your business, oh my God, it’s going to be an emotional rollercoaster for the rest of your life! So, step away, take some time to process, and don’t freak out.


OMG THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. If you don’t have one you need to make having one your top priority right now, because it’s going to save you butt! Without a refund policy you have no grounds to stand on. If you are offering a full 12 week course, a coaching package or even digital products.

If after 30 days someone decides that they don’t want your services anymore, they can request a refund and you have to give it to them because you don’t have a refund policy in place.

My refund policy is that all sales on my digital products like my eBook, my trainings and workshops are non-refundable and the sales are final once they go through.

But for my courses I have a 48 hour money back guarantee. Now for any pre-order sales they are a hundred percent refundable up until the product delivery date. So, if you don’t have a refund policy in place please make it your priority today.


Now this is actually a great way to get feedback from your customers to find out why they didn’t want to continue with your product or service. A professional way to put in the process of how a refund will be handled.

In the form you can advise them on how long it will take to get their refund, what’s going to happen once they fill out the form and any other information you might want.

In my form I asked them questions like “why did they decide to leave the course”. I asked them “how far they got” and “what they thought of the information so far.” I also asked them “what action steps they took in the course” and then I asked them for any other feedback they might have about the course.

Those are my three tips! 1. Don’t freak out. 2. Have a refund policy in place; that’s so important! And 3. create a refund request form.

Now I would love to hear from you! How do you handle your refunds? Do you have a refund policy? What are some tips that you could share that could help others deal with their refunds?\

P.S – If you need help handling sticky situations like refund request, discount requests, requests for free coaching or a plethora of other uncomfortable situations, check out my Better Have Boundaries handbook.

Elise McDowell