Quit The Money Struggle

The Step-by-Step Guide to Break Up With Lack, Fix Your Money Mindset & Manifest More Money in 21 Days

€18 euro to $30,000 in 3 months..

I know what you’re probably thinking..

“How in the high blood sugar do you make that kind of jump!?”

Inheritance? Lottery win? Hawking a kidney on the black market?

How does after a panic attack from checking my bank balance sound? #truestory

In 2019, I made a commitment to master money. I wasn’t new to money mindset work, but up until that point no matter how many money goals I set, how much I tracked my income or how much gratitude I practiced, my relationship with money was dysfunctional AF!

It wasn’t until a trip to Europe later that year that I discovered why.

Overspending, debt racking up and money continuously draining from my accounts. It was impossible not to notice the gargantuan red flags.

Everything finally came tumbling down when I checked my account balance and discovered only €18 euro remaining for the weekend.

My natural reaction was to take an inordinate amount of action to make things work, but it wouldn’t have changed the fact I had to survive on €18 euro for the weekend.

Instead I chose to surrender – and boy am I glad I did!

That’s when my journey of quitting the money struggle truly began, and within 3 months, I had reached $30,000 months in my business, savings had increased exponentially, debt was dissolving rapidly, spending became intentional and I finally felt deep peace with money.

This is exactly what I want for you..

I want you to experience a full 180 with money just like I did.

I want money to get SIGNIFICANTLY easier for you.

I want you to become a money manifesting machine!

I want you to create all the abundance, riches and happiness you desire and deserve.

And I want you to be emailing me one day very soon telling me, OMG Elise! I just manifested my goal of $X! It happened!!!”

In this book I’m going to share with you my exact process on how I did it all with an easy-to-follow 21-day plan.

Are you ready to finally quit your incessant money struggle once and for all?

Then grab yourself a copy of my 150+ page ebook, Quit The Money Struggle, that’s jam packed with daily homework and exercises right now!


Quit The Money Struggle

How to Break Up with Lack, Fix Your Money Mindset & Manifest Money in 21 Days

Here's what you'll learn:

here's a sneak peek inside:



Got Questions?

The ebook is perfect for anyone who is DONE with their money struggle and ready to do the work to overcome it. Whether you’re a beginner to money mindset work, newbie to my style of teaching, familiar with money mindset work but want a refresher or want a structured 21 day guide.

The ebook is the starting point for everyone new to money mindset work and my work, the bundle is the continuation from the ebook and dives deeper into the topics discussed in the book.

The QTMS ebook is for anyone who is struggling with money and wants to manifest more. Money Mindset School is specifically for business owners who want to overcome their blocks around sales, money and business to increase their income overall.

If you have already purchased one of my money programs, you don’t need this. You have already learned the process in some way shape or form. The only reason you’d want to buy this is to get the new updates and new lessons on some of the content and to have the information in ebook format.

Because of the digital nature of the product, there are no refunds on any digital products. If you have questions about the course, please email us before purchasing.
I am! If you’d like to sign up as an affiliate for the ebook, click here!

If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, send us an email!