I woke up at 8am this morning. I’m usually never awake before 9:30am! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?

With all that extra time I decided to go over my goals and desires list to feel into the vibe of everything on it when I realized I probably need to update it since most things I had on there have been achieved.

Such as..

  • Working with an aligned high-vibe millionaire coach who GETS me and what I do
  • A sporty little Suzuki Swift in white that I can zip around to Auckland and back with
  • An iPhone X that I can record all my livestreams and trainings with
  • An automated content and social media strategy that engages my audience
  • New team members that help make my life and business easier to run
  • Oh and of course, more transformations, more income and more joy!

But now there’s room for more, and as I’ve been quantum leaping like nobodies business my goals need to level the hell up!

So I figured why not do them through email so you can get a feel of how to expand your goals and desires even further.

Let’s go!

  • A gorgeous rental in Auckland right by the beach, near cute cafes to work from and an awesome yoga studio
  • A sexy, supple and strong body that completely supports that activities I love to do (i.e tennis, dance etc)
  • A beautiful, loving, committed, aligned high-vibe relationship with the man I’m going to grow old with
  • Supportive high-vibe friendships with people who have my back always and are literally soul family
  • $100,000 thousand dollar months in automated recurring revenue every. single. month.
  • Deeply satisfied customers who have AMAZING transformations from my teachings
  • A team that is deeply committed to supporting me and making my vision for the company a reality
  • My heart, my message, my presence amplified in the world for more people to transform through my teachings

Wowwwwww, that feels SO delicious and juicy and next-level af!

Now it’s your turn!

I want you to take a moment to write out your NEXT-LEVEL goals and desires.

Write them in your journal, or if you’re feeling brave, comment below and share them with us.

I’d love to hear how much you want to expand your life into the extraordinary.

We can DO this!

Elise McDowell