Today we’re going to be talking about scarcity around money and more specifically, how to stop feeling that way so you can manifest more money into your life and business. How to clear your money blocks, because you’re feeling scarcity about them.
This is normal and pretty much every single person on the planet has money blocks. When you’re in scarcity it is a very uncomfortable feeling. It’s a very desperate kind of needy feeling. You always feel like:
- “Oh my God, there’s never enough. I don’t have enough”.
- “Oh my gosh how am I going to pay for this?”
- “How am I going to afford this?”
- “This is too much.”
And what you need to do is actually clear those blocks. They’re easy to clear. But it’s how much you’re willing to get over them.
I actually had this experience recently when I was going from Bali to the USA. Because Bali is so cheap and so affordable, I was really living it up over there. But obviously, there is a huge difference in currency when you go to the USA. And before I had even gone, I was starting to tell myself “oh my god it’s so expensive in the USA. Oh my god it’s going to cost way more for things. Oh my God how am I going to afford everything?” When I got to America, all of the scarcity came up (like all of it!) I was just freaking out.
Even though I was fine. Even though I had plenty of money. I was freaking out because I was just so scared I was going to run out of money. And you want to know the really interesting thing; is at that time when I went to the States and I was feeling that way, you can actually see there is a dip in my income at that period. How freaky is that?
I knew I had to get out of this mindset because it wasn’t helping me, and it was making my income dwindle. So, you bet your arse I was going to get on those exercises! So, here’s my three tips on what to do when you’re feeling scarcity about money.
1. Clear your blocks with forgiveness
Now I’ve talked about this a few times in different posts, here and here, but I’ll talk about it again here. Basically, the forgiveness exercise is where you write down literally everything that has ever been done wrong to you. Things that you feel shame around, things that you can’t let go of. Specifically, things around money. You can do it for personal things but specifically, go through the money stuff. You know like maybe someone stiffed you or maybe your dad told you that there was never enough money. Or maybe your mom was like “money is evil” or maybe your sister stole money from you. Or your best friends made you feel crap about having money, whatever it was, you need to write all of that stuff down about money that you feel.
And then what you’re going to do, when you’ve gotten it all out, you are going to go through each line and you’re going to say to yourself “I forgive you. I love you. I’m sorry.”
Now I know some of you are going to be like, “I don’t forgive them, so why am I going to say it?” It’s not about forgiving the person. It’s not even about them. It’s about freeing yourself from the clutches of this shitty thing that happened to you. OK. You’ve got to let it go. For your sake. It’s not for them, it’s for you.
How many times have you heard people going about with stories from their childhood where their parent threw their toys out the window and they just can’t get over it. It’s like dude, it’s about time you let it go. Right. So, you have to let it go for your sake so you can move on to more money.
2. Interrupt your thought patterns
OK, so most of the times we feel scarcity about money is because we’ve constantly been feeling scarcity about money. You know we’ve created this pattern in our mind that feels shit about money. So, we have to constantly keep trying to interrupt those patterns so that we can break the cycle of feeling scarcity about money. The best way that I’ve found this works for me is through a couple of things.
One: by doing daily gratitude. Because the second I get up I write three things I’m grateful for and it helps put your mind in thinking in a positive way.
The second thing I do is write down my goals. So, I write down my financial goals. Every single day I keep them at the forefront of my mind so that I am constantly focusing on wealth. Positivity. Being healthy. All my goals that I want to achieve.
The third thing that I do is go for a walk and I listen to motivational audios when I do. Because it makes me feel good about myself and helps those endorphins raise so that I’m constantly feeling good. And, bonus, sometimes I’ll listen to audios about money or changing your money mindset. And it helps me to keep money at the forefront, but it also helps me keep an eye on what my thoughts are about money. So that if I am feeling bad, I can interrupt it with feeling something good.
3. Invest in your money mindset
But other ways I would recommend you to develop this is invest in books, memberships and courses. I really love;
- Get Rich Lucky Bitch” by Denise Duffield-Thomas
- Unleash Your Inner Money Babe” by Kathrin Zenkina
- Money and the Law of Attraction and Ask and it is Given” by Abraham Hicks.
My membership The Rich Babe Society is the #1 money mindset membership out there and will help you go from financially stuck to a stacked bank account and become the rich woman you were always meant to be.
I also really love watching motivational videos on Youtube by Les Brown. I find him so inspiring!
All right so that’s it for me today. Now I would love to hear from you. What are your current thoughts about money? Are they in scarcity and lack or are they an abundance and positivity?
What’s one exercise you’re going to start doing that’s going to help interrupt those thought patterns?
![Elise McDowell](