Did you know that very little is needed to create a happy and joyful life?
Despite the amount of travel I do and experiences I have, overall, my emotional default state is very positive – no matter where I am.
That didn’t come from hopping on a plane every other week or staying in chic AirBnbs. That came long before I started doing any of this. That came from within and changing the way I think.
So many people live in a negative state and believe that if they just get what they want (the car, the house, the partner, the family, the career, the 6 or 7-figures) THEN they’ll be happy.
But that’s far from the truth. You know why?
Because no external solution can fix an internal problem.
From that negative state, all that stuff you want is to fill the void of what you don’t have within. So when you get it, SURPRISE, you still feel as empty as you did when you started because you tried put a bandage on a gaping wound.
And then guess what? You go after the next thing because you think THAT will make you happy.
External things cant fix your internal problems. You gotta do the work within to really make a change. You gotta get happy FIRST. Work on yourself FIRST. Pay attention to the things, situations and people that make you feel good and drench yourself in their good vibes.
You gotta set a standard for yourself and rise to meet it. That’s how you get and stay happy.
And then watch as your life “magically” changes for the better and the stuff you thought would make you happy comes anyway.
Except that now when it comes, you’re already fulfilled, and can enjoy it for the blessing that it is, not the distraction you originally wanted it to be.
You got this.