Yesterday was an interesting day.
I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a post in the Teachable group with someone complaining and putting the platform down and then a slew of other people jumping on the bandwagon.
This isn’t an unusual post for this group.
I remember thinking, “Damn people are negative af in this group.”
And then I proceeded to remove myself from the group.. and then every other group that I know has a lot of negativity, and then groups I don’t use and groups I didn’t like no matter how big or valuable they were. Then I continued on to unliking FB pages I followed and then dove into my friends list and removed a ton of people.
So far I have..
- Left 50+ Facebook Groups
- Unliked over 1000 FB pages
- Deleted more than 200 people off my friends list
- Unfollowed over 600 accounts on Instagram
- Unsubscribed from 20 email lists
Why? Because I’m over the bitching and moaning on social media, I’m done with the over dramatized crap from news outlets (I don’t know how they find me because I don’t read or watch the news) and I am completely done with the victim mentality people love to have. DONE.
So I’m simplifying the fuck out of everything. I’m shutting out all the noise and staying hyper focused on exactly what I want.
How many times have you had that? When something that you read weighs on your mind? A piece of BrEaKiNg NeWs gets hyped up and makes you fearful? Or you buy into peoples BS on social media?
Any amount of time spent on thinking about meaningless dramatized crap that doesn’t directly affect you takes you away from deliberately choosing your reality. I’m having none of that.
What about you?
Are you ready to shut out all the crap and focus on your goals and dreams and the things that make you happy?
Are you ready to focus on having more QUALITY of life?
Here’s where you can start:
- Unlike Facebook Pages
- Leave Facebook Groups
- Unfriend people on your friends list that you don’t know, don’t talk to or post a lot of crap
- Unfollow accounts on Instagram (they might block your actions after a while like they did to me 😂)
- Unsubscribe from peoples emails you don’t read
- Delete any social media platforms you don’t use or like
- Delete junk and sent items in your inbox
- Delete Apps on your phone you don’t use
- Delete any Photos you don’t need/like/want
- Delete old/irrelevant/double up Files on your computer
- Delete draft courses, emails and blog posts
Think about anything you don’t like, is irrelevant to you now, that makes you feel bad, that you compare yourself to, stresses you out or annoys the shit out of you. You know like when you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed and you see perfectly photoshopped images that make you feel less than or someone telling you a certain business strategy is the ONLY way you’ll be successful? OUT THEY GO!
The reason we want to do this is because when we declutter, we make S P A C E for the more abundance, more cashflow and more success. And for the things I’m focusing on I need A LOT of space for those things!
So tell me, do you have any more ideas of what do digitally declutter?
I’d love your suggestions!