Hey my friend! Today we’re talking about the easiest way you can go about creating a free email course today.
What is a free email course? In it’s simplest terms it’s just an autoresponder. It’s a series of mini lessons or blog posts that you send to a new subscriber when they first subscribe to your list.
This is because you want to cultivate a relationship with your new subscriber. And we all know that in the first two weeks that someone joins your list, that’s when they’re most engaged with you. So you really want to capitalize on this precious time that you have with this new subscriber. Because after that they don’t tend to engage with you as much if they haven’t cultivated a relatiosnhip or feel like they have a connection with you.
Email courses are a GREAT way to nail all of those things, plus they’re insanely valuable and they can be really profitable if you do them right.
Where most people get stuck is in the actual creation phase of the free email course. And this is because it can be a little overwhelming or nerve wracking! I know for me when I created my first email course it took me FOREVER! I was like what the hell do I put in this thing? How do I offer value? Am I giving away too much? Or is this not enough? Or have I put this word in the right place at the right time, is it the right thing to do?! I DON’T KNOW OMG!!!!!!
So it took me a while to get it done because I was so precious about it, but over time I’ve discovered it’s actually more about the personality that you infuse into your email course and the content offer. But not specifically the content, it’s how you personally deliver it.
So it all comes back to you and your personality, don’t forget that. If you’re stuck yourself, have no fear because today I’m going to help you create this email course as easily as possible.
For example, I have written a lot of blog posts on affiliate marketing. About 5 – 7 posts. I brought all of them up and obviously they all related to each other. So if you’re like me and you have quite a few blog posts on one topic, you need to pick the top 3 or 4 posts that you feel are the most popular or valuable and we’re gonna take those away and work with them in this course.
If you don’t have that many posts on this particular topic. Say you only have 2 or 3 posts, that’s okay we’ll use them all.
What I mean by system is you’re gonna form a step-by-step program or tutorial for your subscriber that’s laid out in your email lessons. Because if you were to just copy and paste the blog post into an email, it might not make sense consecutively for how someone would go about tackling that topic.
So you need to take out of each blog post, the steps and rearrange them into the right order. So this is the fun part, this is where you can mix up your content. Obviously in most blog posts, you’re usually following the form of a list, you’re rarely talking about one specific point. So you kind of want to make it make sense to your reader.
And you want to spread out the step-by-step lessons over 5 – 7 days. Five is a sweet spot because it’s not too short or too long. So think about that and how you want to spread it out and also if you have enough content from the blog posts to be able to do that.
I don’t mean completely re-write what you got from the blog posts because that would defeat the entire point of using them. But you can re-word them to sound like fresh content.
Because some of your subscribers might have already read these blog posts, so you kind of want to spruce of your content and give a fresh new twist to it. Maybe you’ve learned more about the topic or something is outdated now, go ahead and update that content!
And another thing I’d recommend to do although you don’t have to do it but it totally amps up your value meter by thousands! You can add more content. If there’s an email that could really benefit with having a checklist, you could create a PDF and offer that to them in one email lesson.
If there’s an email that would benefit having a visual tutorial, you could create a video and offer a tutorial in that email lesson. And this just adds more valuable and gets the reader into you so that they stick around and eventually buy your stuff.
You want to be able to pitch a product at the end of your email course. Don’t freak out if you’re not into that, just focus on getting the email course done.
But if you do have a product that’s on the topic of the course you’ve created, or you’re an affiliate for someone else who has a product on the topic you’ve written about.
I highly recommend you pitch that product at the end of your course. Because there’s so much value, so much awesomeness and so much personality added into this course that the reader needs to be shown the next step of what to do. So that could be your product, or someone else’s product or if you don’t want to sell anything it could be a training that you’re offering or a free download that could help them on their way.
But you don’t want them to get to the end of your course and it just stops, you want them to have the next step. You should always be thinking about giving them the next step, which is why an email course is so effective!
Now it’s your turn! What topic will your email course be about? Share below!