So you want to have an abundant holiday.. who doesn’t?!
I’ll never forget the Christmas I intended to receive a ton of abundance in the most random and magical ways and I literally got the most wonderful things.
From checks in the mail to a gift from Hawaii to a job and a car and winning a prize from a radio station. It was awesome! And it all happened because I did these things below that helped me live in the mindset and energetic frequency of abundance.
But this isn’t confined to what you can get on Christmas day or even around the holiday period, you can use these methods every single day of your life if you want!
That’s the beautiful thing about mindset and vibrational work, it’s everlasting. So don’t forget, you can apply this to your whole holiday period or even the whole year!
Let’s get into my 9 tips for having a wildly abundant holiday season (or life).
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1. Spread the festive cheer!
I will never forget the time when I was 21 and a woman came up to me in a bar to compliment me on how vibrant I was and that my happiness just oozed out of me. She said she hoped her daughter would be as vibrant when she grew up.
That compliment changed my whole life, it’s the undercurrent of why I do the work I do today, and yet she could have easily not said a thing. We forget the profound impact we can make on others when with a simple smile or acknowledgement past the usual pleasantries.
So when you’re out and about, spread the cheer! Chat with the retailers, the cute guy in line at the coffee shop, make a few jokes, ask about everyone’s Christmas plans and be an all-around cheery presence. Be the human form of abundance in the love, joy and vibrance you emit. it will go far!
2. Tap into the collective flow of abundance:
It’s the most magical time of year! The majority of the planet is in the festive holiday mode and you can tap into that energy and borrow it at any time. Think of the movie Avatar when Jake wraps his hair tentacle thing around the glowing tree branch and can hear all the ancestors of the Na’vi and download their memories.
You can do this with the collective energy of the planet. Take a moment to ground yourself and set the intention that you have tapped into the collective vibration of abundance and will now live from that place.
3. Remember all that you’ve received:
Another way to have an abundant holiday is to take some time to tally up all the abundance you’ve received this year. From free coffees to breathtaking sunsets to soooo much time to relax at home to multiple sales in your business.
Get out your journal and write down everything you’ve received and the gratitude you feel for it. Then say out loud, “More of this please, thank you!”
4. Switch your attention to abundance:
You can literally see abundance in action right now if you just look around you. From the family of birds chirping outside your window to the cherry tomato plant growing in your garden to the thousands of transactions going through at the mall today.
The more you pay attention to abundance and not on lack, the more you’ll immerse yourself in it and it will immerse itself in your reality.
5. Declutter the old. broken and unwanted:
It’s time to Marie Kondo your life! From things that you don’t love to things that are old or broken to things that you were gifted and don’t like but feel guilty for getting rid of.
When you declutter you release a ton of stale and stagnant energy in your life and make physical and energetic space for fresh, new and far more aligned things to flow in.
And what’s left are only the things you love, that make happy and make you feel like a million bucks. And what happens when you surround yourself with only the things that create the vibe of the way you want to feel? It magnetizes more of that vibe to you in all the ways.
So make room for the things you truly want in your life. Make room for money, for luxury, for love, for joy, for adventure, for fun and for abundance. Make room for beautiful things that make your soul happy. And then watch it all flow to you because your mind is no longer frantic, your home is no longer stuffy and your business is no longer messy.
6: Share, donate or give away:
One of the most beautiful ways to have an abundant holiday is by giving abundance to others. If there’s anything you’ve decluttered that is in good condition to be donated or given away, I encourage you to do that instead of throwing it away to landfill.
There are always people in need who may not have the resources available to get the things they need for their families at this time and the thing that you no longer want or need could be the thing they’ve been praying for all year.
Be the angel to someone’s prayers, wrap up the things into pretty gifts and drop them off to your local homeless shelter, charity organization or community church.
7: Sell something:
If you want to feel, and more importantly, be more financially abundant this holiday, selling one of your digital products or offers is always a great idea and the fastest way you can have cash in hand! Look at your products or services right now, how can you package them in a way that makes people want to invest now rather than later.
Maybe you have a Christmas special or a New Year discount or maybe you’re raising your prices in 2021 so you’re running a last-time promo at your current rates or maybe you have an epic bundle of your products from the year before.
Whatever it is, send a promotion email today and announce your offer.
8. Script for abundance:
You know I love scripting and teach it in-depth in Script Yourself Rich, so take out your journal and write about all of the abundance you’ve received as if it’s already happened.
Write about the money that’s flowed into your business easily over the holidays, write about the unexpected abundance received on Christmas morning, write about the abundance of joy, laughter and merriment of the day, write about how much you love your life and how happy you are.
Write it all down and feel it, because the more you do the more you are rewiring your mind for abundance and living in the vibration of it and therefore writing it into existence.
9. Visualize receiving abundance:
And of course the cherry on top is always going to be visualization. I recommend after scripting for abundance when you’re at that high peak of feeling so light, move into visualization. See the money pouring in, see the joyful faces, see the abundance of food and drink and gifts and laughter. Then when you’re finished, say out loud, “I receive this abundance with gratitude and grace. Thank you.”
And that’s how you have a wildly abundant holiday! I hope you enjoyed these tips!
Now it’s your turn: Share in the comments below which tip you are going to try first?
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