Month: December 2022

  • How to Manifest Everything You Want This Year

    How to Manifest Everything You Want This Year

    Imagine for a moment that instead of putting your dreams and desires on hold for another 365 days, you got every single thing you wanted this year. That’s exactly what you could create for yourself. Instead of setting a New Years resolution only to feel like a failure when you’ve quit before the end of […]


  • How to Deal With Negative Friends & Family

    My friend, it is unavoidable. There are negative people eeeeverywhere. You live with them, work with them, pass them on the street, live next door to them, you even ARE one of them sometimes (or a lot of the times). It’s all okay. But what how do we handle it when we’re trying to make […]


  • How to Reframe The Shame About Your Debt

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt guilt or shame about having debt.. 🙋🏻‍♀️ Keep your hand raised if whenever it came to actually confronting your overdrafts and bills around your credit card you would metaphorically bury your head in the sand.. And again keep it raised if you STILL do that today.. I’m grateful […]