Month: August 2016

  • 5 Ridiculous Reasons Why I Didn’t Start My Business Sooner

    There are a million and one reasons why we hesitate, hold back and procrastinate on our goals. Ditto for those wanted and unwanted opportunities that fly our way. Like the time in Year 8 when I prayed, hoped and wished the 3 o’clock bell would never come around. I still had the crumpled up note in my pocket […]


  • 5 New Ways To Promote Your Affiliate Links on Social Media

    Can I share something with you? I never in a million years thought I would give a damn about passive income, let alone be creating it for myself. I never imagined that I would be sitting up in bed till the wee hours reading books on personal finance. And I never ever expected that I’d become relentless about maintaining a positive […]